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Take A Sleep Apnea Test for Ages 6-12

You should be evaluated by a trained professional if you meet one of the follow criteria of the BEARS Sleep Screening Algorithm test (below).

BEARS Sleep Screening Evaluation

The “BEARS” instrument is divided into five major sleep domains, providing a comprehensive screen for the major sleep disorders affecting children in the 2- to 18-year old range. Each sleep domain has a set of age-appropriate “trigger questions” for use in the clinical interview. The BEARS is a user-friendly pediatric sleep screening tool which significantly increases the amount of sleep information recorded as well as the likelihood of identifying sleep problems in children.

B = bedtime problems
E = excessive daytime sleepiness
A = awakenings during the night
R = regularity and duration of sleep
S = snoring

Use the form below to asses your child’s sleeping patterns.

Results will be sent to nearest TMJ Sleep Centre and they will contact you with additional information

"*" indicates required fields

Bedtime Problems

Does your child have any problems at bedtime?*
Does you have any problems going to bed?*

Excessive Daytime Sleepiness

Does your child have difficulty waking in the morning, seem sleepy during the day or take naps?*
Child: Do you feel sleep a lot?*

Awakenings During the Night

Does your child wake up a lot at night?*
Any sleepwalking or nightmares?*
Child: Do you have trouble getting back to sleep?*

Regularity and Duration of Sleep

Parent: Do you think he/she is getting enough sleep?**


Does your child have loud or nightly snoring or any breathing difficulties at night?*

Enter your contact information here


free sleep apnea test

Do You Have Sleep Apnea? Find Out Now

Snoring, fatigue, and restless nights could be signs of sleep apnea, a condition that affects your health more than you might realize. Take our quick, easy Sleep Apnea Quiz to uncover potential risk factors and determine if it’s time to seek expert care. In just a few minutes, you’ll gain valuable insights into your sleep health and take the first step toward better breathing, restful nights, and a healthier life. Don’t wait—your journey to better sleep starts here!